If you would like to use desktop Mozilla Firefox on your Chromebook, you can install it quickly following the next steps:
1) make sure you've turned on Linux Beta in the settings (Settings - Linux Beta - turn on) and run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
2) download Linux Version of Firefox from official website (you should get firefox-xx.x.tar.bz2 - xx.x is version numbering) and move it to Linux files folder
3) open terminal, run ls command and should see your firefox tar.bz2 file
to unpack it, run
tar xjf firefox-xx.x.tar.bz2 firefox
(replace xx.x with your version)
4) install a library
sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-2
5) now you need to add Firefox icon to the launcher menu
- open Linux files folder
- enable show hidden files in the three dots menu (or click CTRL + .)
- open .local/share/applications (create the folders if the don't exist)
- open Text app from the launcher menu, paste this and save it in .local/share/applications/firefox.desktop (replace username with yours and enable show hidden files)
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
GenericName=Web Browser
X-GNOME-FullName=Firefox Web Browser
Exec=/home/username/firefox/firefox %u
Done :)